Summer has caught up to me. A few days ago marked the halfway point from the summer solstice to the fall equinox, August is relieving us with cooler dry breezes and the oaks have started to thin their leaves.
Im spending more mornings outside, I’m taking more breaks, there is a new rhythm I’m trying to get a groove to— I am clumsy in my swaying with it. It’s a week into August, there is a sigh working its way out of my body.
Do you keep up with endless_spiral?
This is the tail end of fishing wire, it’s wrapped around the garden fence to keep the deer out. Turns out they’ll bump into it and get freaked out, since they can’t see it they wont jump over it.
I’ve been harvesting sunflower petals and disc florets to dry out and make tea out of. It’s a very mellow tea and is great for circulation!
I tried enticing Poppy with this and she wasn’t impressed.
I made cordage of iris leaves, its a very satisfying process that I’ll be exploring more of this month
Poppy was in the middle of saying “what is taking you so long can we go back outside now, this is ridiculous”
Looking out of the window, I felt very small and very protected.
What a funny day.